Saturday, January 12, 2008

DJC commissary raises prices because of low sales

The inmates at DCJ have the option to buy food and toiletry items from what's called the "commissary", which is really a cart wheeled around the tanks. Many inmates avoid buying commissary items on principle, as the markups are astronomical. For example, a packet of dry soup that would probably cost you about 25 cents is priced at $1.50 each by Keefe Commissary Services. I've literally even heard the DCJ guards talking about this - one comment ended with "geez, I could get that for 18 cents at Wal-Mart".

Last week, Keefe Commissary Services decided to hike prices at DJC even further. Believing that a satisfied customer is an informed customer (yes, I'm being sarcastic), the commissary cart carried a sign announcing the price hike. The sign also had an explanation attached, blaming the inmates for the price hike as Keefe's sales at DJC were too low. I've asked James to write down the sign's message verbatim, so look for it next week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

I don't want to leave a comment per se, as much as I would like to know how to contact you regarding some questions that I have about commissary. Can you please give me your email address?


Anonymous said...


WARNING: “Eat At Your Own Risk”
Dallas (TX) County Jail Update

Dallas County Jail/Sheriff’s office, serves and sells it’s prisoners and pre-trial detainees food items that are either outdated, nearly expired and/or that have no expiration dates on the packages.

The U.S. Constitution states that pre-trial detainees and prisoners have a right to be fed wholesome and nutritionally adequate food. Whether or not the law's intent includes food items sold to detainees and prisoners is still unclear and will likely require civil litigation against the Sheriff’s office, and it’s commissary contractor Mid-America, in order to clarify the legal question. Common sense would have a reasonable person believe that the law does include both food items served daily and those sold to the jails general population.

But the scheme Dallas Sheriff Valdez, her jail’s kitchen staff and commissary vender have going on behind the walls of the county jail is serious cause for concern and further scrutiny. Many friends and family members of the eight thousand plus citizens currently being held in the county’s jail system George Allen / Government Center; Decker Detention; Susan Kays Detention and Lew Sterrett North and West Towers, are particularly concerned about what’s going on and has been going on for years now.

Anonymous said...

Jane would like to discuss some things about the Dallas County Jail with you. Please contact me, Sumbri or someone at Making The Walls Transparent (MTWT-Texas.